Are you having trouble getting ahead with your finances? If you’ve answered yes to this question, you may have some bad money habits that keep you poor. The good news is that once you identify these habits, you can make the changes necessary to break the cycle and get on the path to success. At…
Author: Alicia
How to Make a Money Lei
Cash is always an excellent gift for teens and young adults, as it provides the opportunity to learn how to best put their money to use. Whether you’re looking for a creative way to gift cash for a birthday or graduation, learning how to make a money lei is an excellent option. How Much Money…
Free Public College Tuition: 30 Free Colleges in USA
According to U.S. News & World Report, the average public college tuition cost was $10,388 for the 2020-2021 school year. While this figure is much less than a private university, it is still out of reach for many students and their families. Fortunately, free public college tuition is available in 30 states. Some of these…
FNMA Enhancement Notice Scam Warning
Yesterday, I received a Notice of FNMA Enhancement in the mail. The FNMA Enhancement Notice letter appears completely legitimate, but I have learned over the years to be skeptical of anything that arrives in the mail, so I decided to do some digging. I quickly discovered that this FNMA enhancement letter was a scam. A Look…
Consumer Cellular Review: How I Saved Big on My Cell Phone Bill
Here at Five Bags of Gold, we are all about using your money wisely, which is why I created this Consumer Cellular Review. One of the ways I keep my cell phone bill costs down is by using Consumer Cellular. I’ve been a customer of the company for more than a decade and have saved…
What is the Greenlight Debit Card App? Teach Your Kids Financial Independence!
Today we are going to take a look at the Greenlight Debit Card app and how it can be used to help teach kids financial independence. Teachers don’t often get the credit they deserve for the challenging task of educating our youth. School curriculums, however, in many cases, do not include instruction on personal finance, money…
Top 10 Good Christmas Gifts for Teen Boys That Encourage Financial Independence
One of the best things parents can do for their teen sons is set them up to be financially independent. There are many ways to do this, one of which is through the joy of Christmas presents. We’ve rounded up the top 10 good Christmas gifts for teen boys that we think will be real…
10 Awesome Christmas Gifts for Kids – Make Learning About Money Fun
When it comes to awesome Christmas gifts for kids, I try to combine education and fun. I firmly believe parents should begin teaching their children about finances at an early age. This way kids have a positive view about money and feel confident managing it as they go through their teen years. So what’s the…
Worm Farming For Profit: An Excellent At-Home Business for Kids and Adults
Have you ever wanted to start a side business that the entire family can participate in? Worm farming for profit is an excellent option. It doesn’t take much money upfront and isn’t hard to do. There’s also a high demand for both the worms and the compost, which means you won’t have any trouble earning…
Is American Consumer Opinion Paid Surveys a Scam?
Have you been wondering, “Is American Consumer Opinion paid surveys a scam?” When my kids were young, I looked into paid survey sites to earn a few extra dollars in my spare time. I found taking surveys to be more fun than work, but I quickly discovered that there are many scam sites out there. Fortunately,…