Are you having trouble getting ahead with your finances? If you’ve answered yes to this question, you may have some bad money habits that keep you poor. The good news is that once you identify these habits, you can make the changes necessary to break the cycle and get on the path to success. At…
Understanding Broken Wing Butterfly Options Trading
Are you wondering what broken wing butterfly options are and how you can use this strategy to make a profit? The “butterfly” and the “broken wing butterfly” are defined risk spread strategies, having limited risk and where the maximum potential loss is known before entering the trade. The butterfly, however, has a low probability of…
How to Make a Money Lei
Cash is always an excellent gift for teens and young adults, as it provides the opportunity to learn how to best put their money to use. Whether you’re looking for a creative way to gift cash for a birthday or graduation, learning how to make a money lei is an excellent option. How Much Money…
Free Public College Tuition: 30 Free Colleges in USA
According to U.S. News & World Report, the average public college tuition cost was $10,388 for the 2020-2021 school year. While this figure is much less than a private university, it is still out of reach for many students and their families. Fortunately, free public college tuition is available in 30 states. Some of these…
Autotrader Used Car Search: How to Get the Best Bang for Your Buck
Used car sales in 2020 was the highest it has been in a ten year period at 39.3 million cars, according to a report by Statista. Although buying a used car may seem like a daunting task, it could save a pretty penny for consumers. With quite a few used car lots, it may be…
The Best Budgeting Methods: Which of the Top 10 Types of Budgeting Methods Are Right for You?
Currently in 2022, Americans are spending almost 35% of their income on housing, with the next biggest expense being private transportation, and the third highest expense being food for the average household, reports The Ascent. No matter what your income is, these are important factors to consider when budgeting. How can you keep expenses under…
What Are The Most Common Types Of Charts For The Stock Market?
Traders use a variety of charts and technical indicators to analyze an individual stock as well as the overall market. They use stock charts on which they apply trendlines, Bollinger Bands, moving averages, Keltner Channels and other indicators to help them form opinions as to future price movements. They look for guidance on both the…
Zoombucks Review: Can You Really Earn Money Watching Videos?
Are you looking for a reliable way to make easy money? Are you skeptical of the countless survey sites that say you qualify for a survey only to drop you from the survey halfway through? If so, check out our Zoombucks review. Zoombucks might just change your mind about making easy money from the comfort…
What Causes Stock Market Volatility?
You may be wondering what causes stock market volatility? Stock prices can go up, down or “sideways” (stay about the same over time). Typically, long-term investors buy stocks in the hopes that prices of the stocks they own will increase as companies grow and enhance their profits. Short-term “traders,” or “swing traders,” who are more…
Can Candlesticks Be Used as Stock Momentum Indicators?
There are many popular technical indicators that traders use in an attempt to predict the future movement of a stock’s price. You may be wondering “Can candlesticks be used as stock momentum indicators?” A stock may be moving up, down or sideways, but traders need to predict if this direction or “trend” will continue in…